Charity Garage Sale

This year’s Garage Sale is chaired by Frank Gullo of Gullo Construction and co-chaired by Larry Abbott of Abbott Contracting. Larry also chaired the committee in 2013. In speaking about his role as the chairman for this year, Frank Gullo said “I’ve been a member for a couple of years and this is helping me to get to know other members”, he added that the obvious reason he chose to do this is to “help out, to raise funds which will help the organization and community.”

Larry Abbott has been volunteering on garage sales and the community projects for 10 years. He said he enjoyed organizing the project from gathering the donations, though presenting and selling the products at huge discounts and then using the money for a local inner city charity.

When it comes to the projects, Larry has not only participated personally, but has only taken some of his crew and teenage son to volunteer at various projects. Larry said he wants to show his son about giving to the community. He said, “I like that our support stays local; the community supports us and we want to support the community.” Excerpts of an interview Larry did last year can be found on his website.