How long have you lived in your current home? Whether it’s one month or 30 years it’s important to be in the know about shutting off your utilities and systems.
Hopefully, you didn’t have many issues during the freeze, with pipes or electricity. If you did, you may be familiar with the following information that can prevent or limit damage and keep everyone safe.
- Know where the shut off valve is so you can turn off the water to your house. In the event of a freeze you can shut off the water and drain your system to avoid pipe breakage.
- How to shut off your sprinkler system by valve or by app if you have a Wi-Fi controller. In case of a freeze warning you should winterize your sprinkler system.
- Where the turnoff is for your home’s electrical service.
- Which breakers on your electrical box turn off each appliance or device. They should be labeled.
- Where to shut off your gas service.
- Where your cable tv comes into your home in case you need a repair or upgrade.